Freedom of Information

FOI Request for Immigration

Why is my visa application
taking so long?

  • Is something wrong with my documents?
  • Am I missing any notices from the Department?

Clear any doubt by using our FREE FOI service today!

What is FOI?

What is Freedom of Information?

  • The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) provides the members of the public with the right to request for and receive documents and materials held by government entities.
  • If you exercise this right through a valid request, government entities are obliged to provide you with the information requested. 
  • By properly applying your FOI rights, you are able to obtain information in relation to your visa status from the Department of Home Affairs.
Why Do You Need It?

Why do you need to use Freedom of Information?

  • You may have applied for your visa a long time ago but have not received any updates.
  • You may be curious as to why there have been delays in processing your visa application.
  • Your migration agent or lawyer might not have given you specifics or exact details regarding your application and its progress.
  • You may require all necessary documents for an upcoming merits review hearing at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
What Can You Find Out?

What can you find out through Freedom of Information?

  • Your visa history: previous visas you held, how you applied for past visas, grant and refusal history, etc.
  • All and any materials and documents related to your past and present visa applications, grants and refusals.  
  • Your movement history: when you entered or left Australia, the passport you used to enter or leave Australia, the visa you held when you entered or left Australia, etc.
How to Use the Service?

How can I use Park & Co Lawyers’ FOI service?

  • Step 1: Online form
    – Simply complete the online form and sign it.
  • Step 2: Let us handle the rest
    – Upon completion, your form will be submitted to the Department of Home Affairs via Park & Co Lawyers’ automated system.
    – Once submitted, it will normally take approximately 30 days for the Department to process your Freedom of Information request.
  • Step 3: Receive your documents
    – When your FOI materials are processed and disclosed by the Department of Home Affairs, we will receive it as an email which will be forwarded to your nominated email address.
    – From here, you will be able to confirm things you already knew, or even discover completely new facts regarding your visa status.
Your privacy & confidentiality

Be Assured!

  • Our team at Park & Co Lawyers are fully committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, and your personal information will not be used for any purpose other than for the smooth sailing of our FOI service.
  • Please be advised that Park & Co Lawyers’ FOI services is 100% free of charge. Accessing your immigration materials from the Department of Home Affairs is your right as a member of the public, and our team simply wishes to help make the procedure easier and less time-consuming for everyone.

Need Further Assistance?

Our FOI service will shine light onto many details in your visa status that you may have initially missed. Should your circumstances be more complicated than expected, or you require in-depth expert legal advice such as AAT review preparations, please contact our team and we will promptly guide you through the procedure and associated costs.

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