
AAT Appeals: What You Should Know

An AAT matter requires thorough preparation and a profound understanding of Australian migration law. That’s why you should consider retaining an Accredited Specialist in Immigration Law. These professionals, with their proven knowledge and experience, can provide invaluable assistance throughout the AAT appeal process.

Why Is Choosing the Right Lawyer Crucial for Your AAT Case?

If your solicitor lacks experience or fails to comprehend the issues specific to your case, it may be advisable to seek a new solicitor. Expertise in Australian immigration law can significantly affect the outcome of your AAT matter. Poor preparation is another warning sign to be mindful of. Your solicitor should be well-prepared and possess a comprehensive understanding of your case to present it effectively.

Mastering Visitor Visa Applications: Strategies to Avoid Refusals

Genuine Temporary Entry (GTE) requirement is to ensure that visa applicants genuinely intend to visit Australia for a temporary period and have sufficient incentives and ties to their home country to guarantee their return. To meet this requirement and avoid refusal, applicants must provide a robust set of evidence demonstrating their intent for temporary entry.

Never Tolerate Violence for Your Visa!

To prevent the spread of family violence, the Australian Government provides a pathway for partner visa applicants to separate from their abusive partner and obtain permanent residency, provided the partner’s family violence has been properly established by a court or other relevant authority.

How Are Workers Compensation Claims Calculated?

The damages are for the pain, suffering and loss of amenities that a person has experienced and will continue to experience due to their injuries. For injuries suffered in Queensland, pain and suffering is generally assessed using a scale of injuries under the legislation. The Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Regulation 2014 (Qld) sets out items under which injuries are categorised. The items grade injuries on a scale of 0 to 100, giving them an Injury Scale Value (ISV).