Chang Park

Legal Practitioner Director

Chang has a rich academic history, beginning with his Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) from the prestigious Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1997. He built a career as an internet security and computer forensics expert, gaining recognition in South Korea as a prominent figure in the field and was a founder of a successful computer security software development company.

In 2006, shortly after settling in Australia, Chang became a registered migration agent in 2006. He later graduated from Bond University with a Juris Doctor in Law with 2nd Class Honours Division A and gained admission as a lawyer in the Supreme Court of New South Wales.

Chang strives for excellence and has been recognised as a leader in every field of work he has engaged in and has been invited to speak on topics such as academic performance, computer security and Australian employment law.



  • Juris Doctor, Bond University (2nd Class Honours Division A)
  • Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
  • Unrestricted Practicing Certificate, Queensland Law Society
  • Accredited Specialist in Immigration Law, Queensland Law Society
  • Bachelor of Science (Computer), KAIST University
  • Solicitor of the High Court of Australia
  • Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales
  • Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland
  • Member of the Migration Alliance
  • Member of the Queensland Law Society
  • Member of International Association of Korean Lawyers



  • Civil Litigation
  • Immigration Law
  • Employment Law
  • Administrative Law



  • Korean, English



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