1. You have not met the residency requirement.
2. Your occupation is not on the state's list of eligible occupations.
3. You do not meet the minimum points requirement.
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Find out more4. Your stream may not attract sufficient attention from the beginning.
5. Other miscellaneous reasons why your EOI or ROI did not get attention.
If you are trying to figure out why you were not invited for a State Nomination, here are some of the most common reasons:
- You submitted SkillSelect EOI nominating various other states as your intended settlement states.
- You did not submit all required documentation during an invitation for the nomination process.
- The reason stated in your EOI or ROI was incorrect.
- Outdated EOI or ROI may raise some concerns.
It is important to understand that each state has its eligibility criteria and that the process can be quite competitive. The first step is to check whether your occupation is listed among those eligible for nomination or not. If it is not, then you need to find another stream that matches your occupation concerning the requirements of the state.
Remember that the requirements for the state nomination for a 190 visa are quite complex and vary from state to state. More importantly, such requirements constantly change depending on their needs even without notice. Considering that a state nomination is not guaranteed at any time, you are required to keep following relevant information and focus on feasible options only.
Park & Co Lawyers has a dedicated specialised immigration team, led by an Accredited Specialist in Immigration Law, Principal Lawyer, Chang Park. The team offers various online immigration services both free and paid, with which you can consult an expert immigration lawyer regarding your specific concerns in Australian immigration law.