You need to understand that the selection criteria for each state are different, so prepare your EOI accordingly. Increase your points by getting a better English score or accumulating more work experience. Don't move forward unless you can back up your claim with proof. If you miss the first chance, it will definitely make the next invitation difficult. This article will address useful tips as to how to increase your chances of a successful 491 state nomination.
There should be many reasons why the title of this article has attracted your attention. Maybe, for example, getting a state nomination is the only way for you to apply for permanent residence or citizenship. Maybe you have already received an invitation for nomination by a state and want to know how to increase your chances of success. Or maybe you don’t know what a state nomination is at all and need some general information about this process. In this article, I will address useful tips as to how to increase your chances of a successful 491 state nomination. Yes, this is more focused on the 491 state nomination. However, the general ideas will still apply to the 190 nominations as well. The rule of thumb is this. Each state government prefers to target the best candidates for their 491 visa nominations. The government wants to nominate people who have the best chance of becoming contributing members of their state.
Nail the State's Selection Criteria
It is important to understand the selection criteria for that specific state. Each state has its own selection criteria, and it’s crucial for you to fully understand them. The selection criteria are usually listed on the state government’s website, so make sure to check it out! Then, analyse your circumstances and tailor your EOI or ROI to those criteria.
One thing you should be aware of is that most states require you to be a resident of their state. Although the states are now beginning very slowly to nominate people from other countries, the preference for people who live in the state cannot be ignored.
Prepare a Detailed and Correct Expression of Interest
A SkillSelect expression of interest (EOI) is the first step in applying for a state nomination. It is a very important part in determining whether or not your application will be accepted. Each state has a facility to look up the federal government’s SkillSelect database. The usual practice is to select a pool of candidates who have specified their states as the intended state. Then, depending on their skills demand list and other criteria such as minimum work experience or English ability, they will issue the invitations for nomination. Some states that run ROI systems may require you to lodge your ROI associated with your SkillSelect EOI. Unless you comply with their procedures or rules, your chance will plummet to nil.
A SkillSelect EOI must include the following information:
- Your personal details
- Your nominated occupation details and the skills assessment reference number
- Details about yourself in relation to your academic qualifications, employment details and English score
- Where you want to get nominated (for example, Queensland)

Are You Really Ready? Double-Check Your EOI and ROI
Before you start, it is important to double-check that your EOI and ROI meet all the requirements of the 491 state nomination. If either one or both of these do not meet the following criteria, this could impact your chances of a successful nomination:
- The information provided in both documents must be accurate and relevant. For example, the information you put in the EOI or ROI is required to be supported by evidence.
- Unfortunately, honest errors even can result in visa refusal. In some instances, you may end up facing allegations of false information and documents, which will generally render more serious consequences once found so.
Get a Better English Score & More Work Experience
Given that the 491 visa is part of General Skilled Migration, you have a chance to increase your chances of success. The 491 state nomination gives one a time advantage over their competitors, so long as they have the points required and their case is considered at the same time as others.
That said, there are ways to increase these chances even further. For example, if you can, try to get more points by getting a better score on the English language test or by getting more work experience. The Professional Year may also be relevant if your occupation is one of those that offer a PY program (e.g., engineer). If this is something that applies to you, then it’s worth looking into further before submitting your EOI or ROI. Even if you lodged your EOI or ROI, you may consider another filing with more points if you are able to accrue them.
Also, consider whether or not a NAATI CCL certificate would help you earn an additional 5 points in your application. After all, who wants their application turned down because they didn’t provide what they could have? Are you sure that your partner is not able to attract Partner Points? If you are not, then perhaps it would be worth asking them anyway. Even if they don’t qualify now, they may relatively easily qualify for the skills assessment and English requirements.
Make No Mistake
You’ll also need to know what steps they want applicants to take for their applications to be considered complete. For example, some states require that you submit a valid 12-month employment contract with your local employer; other states may just require evidence that you have resided in their state for a given period. If you neglect to meet these requirements, you may miss the chance. Always remember that the state has plenty of candidates, but they have a limited number of nominations available. Then, why would they give you more chances in relation to your simple error?
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Visa Emergency
- Our team of Immigration Law experts diagnose your visa situation, and advise you of what immediate action is needed to save your visa or application.
- The Visa Emergency service provided by Park & Co Lawyers is different from the ordinary enquiry service. We deal with Immigration notices and determine what legal options you have.
- Whether it is a refusal, cancellation or inadvertent error made in a visa application, urgent waiver submissions or any immigration notice, our immigration experts will provide legal advice and assistance to you.
Final Tips
- Be honest in your expression of interest.
- Don’t leave anything to chance.
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you have to. (Some states allow urgent processing if your visa shortly expires)
- Don’t forget to include a cover letter with your response to the invitation; it gives you another opportunity for further insight into what you’re applying for and again shows how interested you are in the state’s nomination.
- Keep your eyes wide and open; other states may offer you a nomination if one isn’t offered by the first state that has expressed interest in hosting you!
You need to understand that the selection criteria for each state are different, so you need to be careful when submitting an expression of interest. It is also important not to rush into this process without fully understanding what you are getting yourself into. If possible, try increasing your points by getting a better English score or accumulating more work experience before applying for a nomination, as this will increase your chances of success. Don’t move forward unless you can back up your claim with proof. If you miss the first chance, it will definitely make the next invitation difficult.
This guideline also applies to 190 state nominations, with the exception that the selection criteria for the state’s 190 nominations may differ from their own 491 state nomination.
Written by Chang Park
If you have any enquiries, contact Chang at [email protected].

[ Park & Co Lawyers – Disclaimer ]
Please note that the above is to be taken as a general guide only, and does not constitute legal advice in any respect. It does not reflect any changes in the relevant law or authorities since the date of publication.
Our Team of Immigration Lawyers, led by Chang Min Park, an Accredited Specialist in Immigration Law, have many years of experience and have handled a wide range of complex cases.
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